Gateway Electronics in San Diego had some about 6 months or a year ago
and have had them forever (sasi adapters for pc-jr's). I think they had
others as well. I don't recall any software in evidence, and I don't know
it was standard to include that on a floppy, or if it was in the adapter in
a rom.
The RIM rings a bell. You might call them and see if they have any left, as
there were several there when i was browsing last. we may go down for
a weekend, and I'll try to remember to look. Please email me offlist so
I can find your address if you are interested, as it will be several weeks
before such a trip. Also there are junk shops in El Cajon calling for me
to check them...
"Michael B. Brutman" wrote:
I almost hate to ask the obvious, but does something
have specifications
for the SASI protocol? That would go a long way to answering some of
the questions.
There was a SASI adapter for a PCjr that went in the modem slot from a
company called RIM. It had a bridge board that connected it to a
Seagate MFM drive. The chipset name escapes me at the moment, but I
thought it was either NCR or Zilog doing second source for NCR. It
smells awfully like SCSI.
(I don't have the beast - I've just seen pictures of it. But I'd love
to know what makes it tick.)