Yes, I do. Here is the parts list you requested. Hope this helps.
Best regards, Steven Canning
ELL (RS 28-280) Loose Parts List
2 - 100 Ohm
8 - 470 Ohm
12 - 1.0 K
2 - 1.5 K
2 - 2,2 K
2 - 3.3 K
5 - 4.7 K
2 - 5.6 K
2 - 6.8 K
2 - 8.2 K
2 - 9.1 K
8 - 10 K
2 - 22 K
2 - 33 K
4 - 47 K
2 - 68 K
5 - 100 K
2 - 330 K
3 - 470 K
3 - 1.0 M
3 - 10 M
Caps Ceramic:
1- 33 pF
2 - 470 pF
3 - 0.001 uF
2- 0.0047 uF
5- 0.01 uF
2- 0.047 uF
3 - 0.1 uF
Caps Electrolytic:
2- o.047 uF
2- 1.0 uF
2- 4.7 uF
2- 10 uF
2- 100 uF
1- 470 uF
Semiconductors / ICs:
4- 1N4148 Diode
1- Zener Diode
1- Red LED
1- Green LED
1- 324 Quad Compar
2- 4011 2 In NAND
2- 4001 2 In NOR
1- 4013 FFlop
1- 4017 Dec Cntr / Decoder
1- 4046 PLLoop
1- 4049 6 Invert Buffer
1- 4046 4 Bilat Switches
1- 4029 Up / Down Cntr
1- 4511 BCD 7 Segment
1- 4070 XOR
1- 272 Dual Op Amp
1- 386 Power Amp
2- 555 Timer
1- 7805 Volt Reg
2- NPN Xsistors
2- PNP Xsistors
2- IRF630 Power MOSFETs
1 - Ceramic Earphone
40 - 5 cm White Wires
20 - 10 cm Red Wires
10 - 20 cm Blue Wires
5 - 30 cm Yellow Wires
1- 24.5 cm Red Bare Wire
I picked up an ELL (RS 28-280) at the outlet store. It was cheap
because all of the loose parts were missing. I have the base and the
books. The PDF file on the RS web site doesn't list things in enough
detail to be able to build a list of missing parts. I'm going through
the books and trying to tally the required parts, but it's taking
hours and I'm likely to make mistakes.
Does anyone have one of these and might they have enough time to make
a physical inventory? Even a digital picture of the parts spread out
on a tabletop would be really helpful.