-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Franchuk [mailto:bfranchuk@jetnet.ab.ca]
I like to see images while surfing and play
multi-media stuff now and
and play with a cad program or two. For command line stuff I like the
text screen.
In that case, it sounds like what you really want are graphical
full-screen applications, possibly with multitasking.
In this case, the window decorations would just take up screen-space,
and the windowing system would just take up memory, while not doing
you too much good anyway.
Not something that's been done yet, but it would be interesting,
and it certainly wouldn't be too difficult.
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl