--- technoid(a)cheta.net wrote:> Back in the olden days of microcomputers a printer of
any type cost a> bundle...Oh, yeah.> ...I think the most interesting one was a
board> with a bank of solenoids mounted on it which faced the keyboard of the>
typewriter.Because my mother had the typewriter, I wanted that device so bad. I
justcouldn't afford it as a teenager.> Neither the WE teletype nor the EP22 would
allow me to print my Hitchhiker's> Guide or Zork sessions as these games were
'boot' games with thier own dos.> Since the Atari 8-bit did not have a resident
Serial printer handler, I could> not print from an Infocom game.By the time I could
afford a printer, I had a Commodore-64 to drive it. Theprinter was an ancient Centronics
that had two print heads - one for columns1 through 80 and another for 81 through 132. It
had a genuine Centronicsinterface, of course. I built a cable for the user port and wrote
a handlerthat fit in the cassette buffer and wedged in the OS routine for CHROUT. Istill
have some Infocom transcripts from that printer as well as some ScottAdams disassembly
from a game ripper I wrote in BASIC.I used to customize my Infocom environment in several
ways before playingthe older games - I would load the PET font (captured by moving the
characterROM to a regular expansion socket and typing the save command blind into TIM,the
PET's ROM-based machine language monitor), change the color to green onblack and load
my parallel printer driver before starting a session.I was such an Infocom afficianado
that I eventually disassembled the oldest(and simplest) version of the C-64 ZIP (Zork
Implementation Program, thegame engine) and have recompiled it to work on the VIC-20 (with
enough RAM)and the BASIC 2.0 PET (I haven't gone back to find which zero-page
locationsare getting stomped by the CHROUT routine in the kernal in BASIC 4.0).As an avid
fan, it was a blast beta-testing "Return To Zork". It wasn't agreat game,
but the coolest part was watching my bug reports turn intodetectable improvements in the
game. I also pitched Infocom about portingRtZ to the Amiga, but it never happened. I got
the underlying engine workingas a demonstration (text only, no graphics), but the project
was cancelled dueto lack of expected financial reward.Needless to say, I've spent many
an hour playing and writing adventures. Printing... oh, yeah... this post started off
about printing... yeah,that, too. :-)-ethan
Even though my old e-mail address is no longer going to
vanish, please note my new public address: erd(a)iname.com
The original webpage address is still going away. The
permanent home is:
http://ohio.voyager.net/ for details.
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