> > > And by the way, to catch up with the
title - is there any
> > > other Commodore B500 around, or a Pascal Microengine ?
> > I hear of more of the P/B500 in europe then here, actually in the U.S. I think
> > there are maybe three or so around, since they never were oficially released
> > past the late prototype stage (due to one of Commodore's run-ins with the
> > FCC). Dunno how many (if any) they sold in europe.
> I never have seen any B500 beside mine, but I know the P500
> story - just the B500 is more like the B128/CBM 600.
So no joystick ports, or VIC-II chip? Hmm, from
examinging the PCB, I wonder
if it is a universal design, cause there are a bunch of unused pads here and
there (looks like it could sport 128k, and there was another connector pad
(besides the co-processor one), maybe for more RAM?
The design is similar to the 600 (whitch is I think the B-128 board)
The B500 is almost a 600 - the PCB is dated a bit earler than the
earlyest 600 I know and the PS mounting is diferent, but basicly
the same. No, there are no joysticks and no VIC-II, but the port
for the joysticks is available (like on the 600). The unit has
128 K of RAM an spares for another 128 K.
If anyone has a B-128 handy; pop it open, the joyport
sockets would be in the
far left-hand corner, (if you look from the 'front' of the board) I've been
curious about this. :/
The port pins are available ... but to be shure I will
open both this evening - I have them richt now in the
living room :)
Maybe I'll take the B500 to VCF 4.0 we just need some
other P500 and B128 and 600s and 700s for a comparable
display (No, for VCF 3.0 I finaly want to show up with
some eastern European units).
> CBM 9000 aka MMF aka SuperPET - still kind of a
dream for most
> commo collectors (like the 900). Other than the most desired
> rare Commodores, the 9000 was a production unit and supported.
Also alot of schools (secondary and more so, colleges)
bought them.
Shure ? In Germany they have been very rare, since the price
was almost double the 8032 12".
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut