At 02:18 pm 21/08/2001 -0400, you wrote:
On August 21, Adrian Vickers wrote:
It's still possible to buy new Z80 CPUs
(?2.50 in the UK);
They're all over teh place here as well. They won't be going away
anytime soon; they're very popular in the embedded systems market.
how many would it take to build a pentium-IV
class machine? :)
My guess:
Raw integer performance: 500+
Reliability: 0.5
Elegance of Quality of design: 0.1
Oh, I don't know. You could be quite arty about it. For instance, make a
huuuge PCB in the shape of your room, and hang it from the ceiling... Don't
forget to leave a hole (or two) for the lightbulb!
Of course, the internal architecture would be a nightmare...
Programming enjoyability: 0.5
Innovativeness: 0.5
Is that a scale of 0-1 BTW?
B-Racing: B where it's at :-)