From out in left field.. Questions and opinions
solicited on
Commodore C128/1571.
In my ecelectic collection of machines I generally have either DEC hardware,
single board computers (IMSAI IMP48, KIM-1, SC/MP, Moto6800d1, NEC TK80 and
others) and CP/M machines (S100, Ampro, SB180, Kaypro, Epson, Osborne). Also
the occasional oddball like the TI99/4, TRS80 and a C128.
What I'm up to is why have a C128 amoung all that? It's not a great CP/M
machine. It's not very representitive of most CP/M machines and from
using it it's an afterthought that primary to design. So I'm considering
why I should keep it or unload it. I have no real exposure to the 6502
side of the system and the Commodore side of the world so there are gaps
there. So I'm trying to figure out if there is something to explore and use
or it's a "collection" item. The latter being something I have, keep
operational but rarely if ever use for much.
Flames not desired but opinions are.