I have some of the data/notes on this card but no s/ware as yet.
My first experiences with transputers was designing and building
a T222 board with 64K (wow) and a Z80 interface.
Hmmm I seem to remember I got it working but did not do a
fantastic amount with it.
Got a few T414's then started to play with designing for them
and Z80's, bit sad really.
I finally got a B430 to try and devlop a SCSI/Floppy/IDE interface
board. It sort of got sidelined.
Now I've got some T9's (working) some B108's and a T9 to "classic"
transputer interface board based on a C100. This should be fun.
Ram tells me that you have a B020 board, I also have one
unfortunately I don't have any data/drawings etc for it but you
do ;-) Is it possible for you to let me have a look at it ??
It is the GPIB library.
I have a B419 that I want to test as I don't know what
As do I....
state it is in.
If/when I get a copy you will get one too.
Who is Tony ?
'Tony' is almost certainly me. I've worked with transputers, have a
number of TRAMs/motherboards, ISA cards, an ITEM, etc here.
I spent 5 years at Bristol University working on homebrew (wirewrapped,
by me) transputer systems. For this I get a piece of paper saying that
I'm a particle physicsist :-). Since I worked mostly with bare chips, I
must admit that I've not done that much with the standard TRAMs.