On Apr 19, 11:51, Douglas H. Quebbeman wrote:
The end-result of this project will probably involve
reading 7-track tapes in analog mode and digitizing
the analog data stream in order to use modern computing
power to reconstruct the data.
Well, if you're going to go into digital signal processing, why not just
use a 9-track head, and analyse the data from adjacent tracks to recombine
into 7 tracks? ;-)
I'll bet it's doable. My second-year second-term (10 weeks) assigned
project was to build a barcode reader, using a common slotted optosensor
with an active area whose diameter was about twice the width of the bars,
and a Z80 with 2K EPROM and 8K RAM. It's amazing what you can do with a
little circuitry and a little calculation. 9 tracks to 7 should be easier,
since I expect the top, bottom, and middle tracks will line up nicely. The
second track from the 9-track head would have a mixture of (mostly) 1st and
(a little) 2nd tracks of the 7-track signal; the next channel would have a
roughly equal mixture of data from tracks 2 and 3; the next channel would
be almost all 3; and so on.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York