Without conducting a detailed inventory:
TI 99/4 (1) Currently disassembled, as I received it.
TI 99/4A (I'd have to count them all) Enough to build 3 or 4 full
systems with loaded p-boxes. Much software, documentation, and
literature, including sekrit internal TI software specs, source code,
etc. 3rd party hardware and addons eg ramdisk, 128/512K cards, DSDD
controller, graphics tablet, barcode reader, p-code, etc. etc. etc.
Myarc 9640 Geneve (1) 512K TMS9995/V9938 SBC for TI p-box. Full system
includes Myarc HFDC MFM disk, floppy, QIC-02 controller. Multi-tasking
OS, 5-6x 4A speed, 4a hardware emulation. Licensed native-mode P-system
port specifically for this machine.
TI VPU200 (1) This is basically a "luggable" (49 lbs) TM990-100M micro
with a 5TI sequencer interface. Options for other TI PLC interfaces and
has CRU bus to interface to 990 and 960. Need software and docs.
TI 990/1 (1) Intelligent Terminal or Small Business Computer. Needs
FD800 or FD1000 disk subsystem and software. Have *ample* docs.
TI 990/10 (1) 13-slot chassis, TTL, mapping option. DS10 and DS50
drives on separate consoles. Need software, more docs, tape, drives need
*much* work. In 70"(?) 990/4 rack cabinet. Assorted extra boards,
cabling, leased-line modems (P202T mostly.)
TI 911 VDT's (3)
I'm hoping to get an Explorer real soon now, along with a lot more TI
10-year-rule PC's:
Televideo 1605C (1) Disassembleed to install HD and repair keyboard
Runs DOS 5.0 just fine.
Compaq Deskpro 386s (1) I believe this may be one of, if not the
first, Compaq 386 desktop model.
KLH 195 (1) 286-12 AT clone with VGA graphics, 4Mb RAM.
Assorted Tandy 1000's (3)
Commodore Colt (1) bad mobo
Commodere PC (2) unknown working order
I have stacks of 386 and 486 machines, of course, which I mostly rob for
parts, or upgrade to socket 7, having plenty of Pentium mobos lying
around, but these are not classic yet, even if they are thoroughly
Altos 8000 (1) HD model, have docs and schematics, some software.
Rums MP/M.
C64 (1) have a couple of C64 floppy drives and monitor, too, can't
remember the models.
Commodore/Diablo daisywheel for CBM 8032, I think, plus parts unit.
Apple IIc (1)
Had an Apple IIe but I just sold it to some kid for $10.
Apple Mac SE (1) flaky ps., w/ImageWriter, mice,3rd external 800k
floppy, no HD, much lit, all docs except oper. manual, no software.
Probably more that I'm forgetting.
Wanted: TI computers, peripherals, software, docs. Interested in all
kinds of stuff, but that's what I focus on.
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
-- Pablo Picasso
Paul never tried to build or restore one.
-- jbdigriz