Please don't take this as an insult, but I am going to make the same
recoemndation that I made to another list member a few days ago. Read
'The Art of Electronics' by Horrowitz and Hill. I think it will help you
to understnd some of these circuits.
OK, I know
what I would do next :
1) Remvoe and test (properly) the chopper transistor. It's the most likely
to fial after all.
OK, I will do that. My multimeter has a diode check range, but I don't know
how to interpret the results, I will just have to tell you what the readout
The diode test range on most digital multimeters is quite simple. It
supplies a contanst test current (a few mA) to the probes. The display
shows the voltage between the probe. When connected to a working diode
junction, connected the right way round (normalyl with the red probe to
the anode), that voltage will be about 0.7V. The other way round you'll
get 'OL' or however your meter shows an over-range conditon
An open junction (or nothing at all) will show 'OL' bot ways round. A
shorted jucntion will show 0.00 both ways round.
Now, a transistor can be consideded for the purpose of this test to be 2
diode junctions -- one from collector to base and one from emitter to
base. Bo, you can't make a transistor by connecting up 2 diodes, (there's
some magic that goes on in the thin base layer), but you can test the 2
junctions seprately. Having 2 good juntions don't mean the trransistor is
necessarily good, but if you don't have 2 good diode juntions, it can't
be a working (bipolar) transistor.
The first thing to do is to fidn out the transistor pinouts. Often sites
like and are
useufl. Type i nthe part number and see what turns up. I often use a book
called 'Towers International Transistor Selector', but it's quite
expensive and probably not worth buying unless you are as insane as I am.
Actually, for the sort of small power trnasistor you're looking at, in
what's called a 'TO220' pachaga, the pinout is
| | |------- emitter
| O | |------- collector (also connected to the metal tab)
| | |------- base
That shows the transsitor with the metal face downwards (Plastic 'bump'
uppermost). The tab is on the left with the mounting hole.
Now, this is an NPN transistor which will test as a pair of diodes with a
common anode connection. Assuming your meter is conventional :
Red Black
Probe Probe Reading
b e 0.7V
e b OL
b c 0.7V (Often this is a little higher than the b-e reading)
c b OL
c e OL
e c OL
As I said, that's doesn;'t prove it's a working transisotr, but it's a
start, There are much more elaborate specialist transisotr testers out
there, going uop to things like 'curve tracers' which will display a
graph of say collector current against collector voltage for various
vlaues of base current. Tektronix 575 or 577 for example.
2) Remove the Bias and Interface Board and
find some way of powering that
control circuitry from a bench suppy (or even a 9V battery). Of course you
can't then link it to the mains parts of the H7140 (like the chopper
transfromer), but now you can connect a 'scope to it and see if that 555
oscillating, if the chopper transistor is being
driven, if the regulation
feedback circuit works, etc.
I have to remove the board to attach diagnostic wires anyway, so removing it
is not a problem. Attaching it to an oscilloscope is a big problem, because
I don't have one.... Have you got any recommendations for a suitable basic
I asusme yuo don't have an adjustable bench power supply either.
Let me first explain what I would do. If you look at the Bias and
Interface Board scheiamtic, you will see thatwhen the supply is running,
this circuitry is powered from a feedback widnign on the transformer (T1
on the PSU motherboard). The output of this winding firstly powers the
osiclalator cuircuit, secondly it's connected to a zener diode to the
base of a transistor (IIRC bottom left corner of the diagram, I don't
have it in front of me). The idea is that if the output votlage rises too
high, this transitor affects the opeation of the 555 oscillator, reducing
the output votlage. In other words a votlage regualtor. I have looked up
the characteristic of that zener diode, it's rated at 12V. Together with
the 0.7V b-e drop in the assoctiate transistor, thsi thing is going to
regualte at about 12/7V (DEC call it the 13V line on the diagram, which
is reasonable).
I owuld therefore connect an adjustable PSU to the pins on the connactor
on the Bias and Interface Board (removed from teh PSU) that normally to
this transformer widning. With the supply set to 10V or so, the
oscilator should run, I would check this at the output (pin 3) of the
555. Then, carefully increase the output of the supply and see if the
regualtion circuit operates as it should do.
If the oscillator is running, then I'd check the circuitry coupling it to
the base of the copper trnasistor.
Incidentally, it would be worth chercking that the widings of the
transfortmer T1 are continuous. An ohmmeter chceck between the
appropraite conenctions will do this.
one that I could find for not a lot of money on eBay?
I keep thinking I
should get one at some point anyway.
In a word 'Tektronix' :-).
More serieously, there are 2 schools of thought when it comes to cheap
scopes. Some people prefer a cheap-nasty fairly modern thing which will
progagbly work as well as it ever did and will keep going with no
problems for a few years. Others, including myself. prefer an older,
top-quality instrument. It'll be large, it'll probably use valves, and it
ill need a bit of tweaking to keep it running. This can be fun (and to be
fair, a good older 'scope will be relaible if you look after it), but
equally, if you're just starting out you may not want to laearn to fix a
'scope just so you can fix your PDP11. But it's something you may well
want to do later.
As regards bandwidth, for digital work you want a bandwidth of at leaast
3 times the highest frequency you want to look at. But acutally, a 'scope
is not that useufl an instruemtn when dealing with purely digital
problems (like debuggign the CPU itelsf), a logic analyser is more useful
there. I find I use the 'scope more for looking at SMPSUs, motor drivers,
that sort of thing. For qhich a 20MHz bandwidth is adequate.
Dual trace is almsot essential, dual timebase (only found on a few models,
and no modern cheap ones!) is very useful. A good trigger system is
probably the msot important thing of all, if you can't keep the trace
steady, you can't measure from it. Alas this is one thing that is rarely