Patrick Finnegan <pat at> wrote:
Can you write a C program or sh/ksh/csh script?
I can given a specification of the protocol that said program needs to speak.
you know I run my own operating system that no one else in the
Universe uses and I cannot run any software not written from scratch
by me.
You mean you don't run a 4.3BSD derivative?
It is not a 4.3BSD derivative, it is actual 4.3BSD (the -Quasijarus suffix
is irrelevant here), and since I am the last person in the world running
it, I count it as running my own OS that no one else uses. And since there
is not any software out there today that will compile or run on it except
that written by me, I use the rule of thumb that I need to write all
software I need myself from scratch.
Oh, and
can it work with baud rates of 38400 or lower?
Why wouldn't it be able to?
Unfortunately there is a lot of modern pee sea-minded RS-232 equipment
that cannot be configured to baud rates slower than 115200 or 57600.
Huh? Are you unable to design and assemble something
as simple as a
RS-232 interface? ;)
Design and build a new RS-232 interface option for my MicroVAXen? Lacking
the necessary special Q-bus driver and receiver ICs.