At 05:34 PM 3/21/2013, you wrote:
Back when I
was a kid, there was a brand of tool - I think it was the
That would be Craftsman. They still honor that guarantee, even for new
tools. Power tools are not covered this way, however.
Ah, but the great thing about Sears power tools
is that you can still get parts for them. I still
use the router I got from my dad. He got it in
the 60's -- and it was a rebuild then. About 5
years ago, I needed to replace the bearings and
thought I'd replace the collet while I was at it.
I went online, found the manual with a parts
diagram, ordered the parts, and got myself a like-new router out of it.
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up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge
is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods. --Albert Einstein
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