ard at (Tony Duell) wrote:
The 5182 is a dot matrix printer with a four color ribbon. Kludge on a
Thet idea was not uncommn at the time. DEC made one called the
which could take a colour ribbon and mechanically shifted it up and down
to change colour. I also rememebr using an Epson printer in the mid
1980s that could take a 'colour kit' which was a motor + mechanical bits
to tilt the ribbon.
The NEC CP6 and CP7 printers (colour variants of the P6/P7) also used such an arrangement
- wheels sliding along profiled shafts and small toothed belts to change the height of the
ribbon guide on the printer carriage by means of a stepper motor mounted on the chassis. I
had the "fun" of repairing a broken guide bridge on mine (had to fit a
reinforcement under the crack and reassure it didn't bind or collide with anything).
So long,
Arno Kletzander
Stud. Hilfskraft Informatik Sammlung Erlangen
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