Can anyone please tell me if the Olivetti M20 used a Z8010 memory
management unit?
When I worked for Marconi Elliott Avionics at Rochester we designed
the anti submarine
sub system for the WG34 (Later EH101) helicopter using a dozen Z8001s
and Z8010s
plus lots of specialised processors. After I left the company, the
project dragged on for
many years before being cancelled and a rival, more mainstream system
The Z8001 had 16 low order address lines and 7 segment selector
lines, so even
without an MMU, it should have an 8MB address range. IIRC, the MMU
took the
top 9 address lines and the 7 segment selector lines and could map
them onto
a 16MB address range. For speed and simplicity, I came up with the
idea of never
setting the bottom bit in the segment base registers so we could send
the bottom
8 bits of the CPU address directly as the row address to the RAM
chips and
by the time they were ready for the column address, the MMU look-up
was done.
Hence we allocated memory in 256 byte chunks instead of 128 bytes as
by Zilog.
In the M20 uses a Z8010 I might get one if one comes up for sale in
Roger Holmes
On 10 Jan, 2007, at 16:36, cctalk-request at
Message: 8
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 22:49:27 -0800
From: "dwight elvey" <dkelvey at>
Subject: Re: Olivetti M20
To: cctalk at
Message-ID: <BAY130-F3347994A26286E3E09D04DA3B20 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
From: Gene Buckle <geneb at>
dwight elvey wrote:
For those that might be interested in an Olivetti M20, there is one
on eBay. This was one of the few machines made with a Z8000
I think the only personal computer.
If someone on this list gets one, contact me and I'll help you get
it up and running.
That's cool. I just posted PDFs of the CP/M for Z8000 manuals on the
Retroarchive site. :)
Hi Gene
I would suspect that the one on eBay isn't ready for CP/M8000 right
out of the box. I'm sure it'll handle PCOS, at least version 2.0f.
The problem is that most machines didn't come with enough memory
for CP/M8000. Although, the manual for CP/M8000 states that one
can run in a machine with 128K of memory, because of a number
of allocation issues in the M20, you really need 384K.
The M20's comes with 128K on the mother board and usually
have two 32K expansion memory cards. Even with three of these
32K cards, your only up to 224K. Still not enough.
When I first got CP/M8000 running on my machine, I modified
two of my memory cards to take 64K DRAM chips. This brings it
to 384K. I was always going to increase it to 512K, the most that
the M20 decodes, but I don't see the need any more.
A fellow in Italy had thought that it might be easier to take two
1 meg simm's and use those ( you need at least 2 because it
does access 8 bit or 16 bit and needs the separate selects ).
We talked it over and came up with a way to wire them up
such that they can provide 384K with a minimum of external
hardware( total of 512K with the mother boards memory).
The only painful issue is that the M20 normally has a select for
either 32K or 128K at each board position. The first solution
used three board edges to connect the two other connectors
selects. Another fellow built one that he made a header to
go under the NAND gate chip that normally sent out the
selects. This did require lifting one part and putting it on a socket.
It also seems that some of the memory boards came with sockets
and could be configured for either 32K or 128K by jumpers
but none of my board were that easy.