I had an Heathkit H-11a computer drop into my lap (somewhat literally)
last night, and it got me to thinking...
It's probably time to try to get one of these things running in its
original configuration (vs. the Dec cards in the Heath chassis config.),
so it looks like I need to track down some copies of the original Heath
(mutated Dec) software for the thing... (i.e. HT-11, etc...)
I've got most of the paper tapes for the H-11 so I think I'm ok there,
and I've got a H-27 disk sub-system for the thing, so now I seek the
software on disk.
Anyone out there have spares or a functional unit that can replicate???
And... Does anyone remember the specific differences between the H-11 and
H11a? (if any aside from the obvious addition of a third switch on the
front panel?)
(still seeking that elusive H-10 tho...)
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