On Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 07:17:34AM -0700, Lee Courtney wrote:
Hej Pontus -
Very, very nice. I'm sure you already know this but there is a Nordic
computing history group on Facebook, somewhat active, that may be of help.
I did not, I'll take a look.
And a group of former Datasaab employees (based in Link?ping?): datasaab.se
I have met some of them in person, nice fellows. I'll certainly
ask there. As well as the Facit museums (two at least).
Good luck, keep us posted on progress.
Will do.
Lee C.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Pontus Pihlgren <pontus at update.uu.se> wrote:
Yesterday I picked up a Datasaab D12. Which I didn't know
existed until then. Pictures here:
It's a small desktop computer intended for small business
accounting and invoicing. It's built arround an intel 4004 and
has room for expansion cards for memory and "customer roms".
The service guide mentions a "two level" environment with a
"basic" level and a "customer program" level. I'm hoping it
means there is a Basic interpreter but I'm not convinced. The
manual also mentions a "D12 assembler" as the develoment
environment. It's apparently a subsystem that comes in a nice
attache case:
It's actually made by Facit and may go under that name.
Does anyone know more or have manuals?
Regards, Pontus.
Lee Courtney
+1-650-704-3934 cell