Now there's a suggestion that has my attention. I have thought
about this before, but I have no FPGA experience at all, and wouldn't
know how to start. If it's just a matter of taking a a core model,
setting it up for the target device (assign pins etc.), and writing it,
I'm sure I could cope with that. But I suspect I'm simplifying things
greatly there. It'd also depend on whether a 6809 model would make it
obvious how to get at the LIC and TSC signals. Maybe there's someone on
this list who I can pester with questions?
On 2/07/2014 3:19 p.m.,
David Riley wrote:
My advice, faced with a dwindling supply of pulls
used to be able to buy 'em by the bushel from
is to
consider making a drop-in replacement using
one of the many
VHDL/Verilog models now
available and
a cheap, tiny FPGA like the MAX
II (which Altera
likes to
call a CPLD, even though it really isn't)
mounted on a
DIP carrier board.
I wonder if there's a market in
that for the arcade community...
- Dave