On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Charles
<charlesmorris800 at centurytel.net> wrote:
The BC80J-20 has the 40-pin header on one end and
enough flat ribbon cable
to make it out the back of the chassis... I have never seen a "real" one but
I believe it has some kind of transition to the round cable (which then has
the quick-disconnect on the other end)?
the BC80J I'm familiar with has no flat cable. It's like a round
BC20J drive-to-drive cable, cut in half, with a 40-pin Berg connector
installed on the cut end. Because of how fragile those end wires are
and how hard it is to route through the tiny hole in the back of the
PDP-8/a chassis, back when I used mine every day, I made a 6" flat
cable with male-to-female IDC ends so I could see where the BC80J
plugged in (and more easily strap it down to prevent tugging on the
short wires. It wasn't part of the original cable though.
BTW, Continental Computers answered my quote request
with they can "let it
go for $145"... that's about four times what I expected to pay for one!
For a drive cable? Crazy.