On Thursday 20 July 2006 07:38 pm, Fred Cisin wrote:
Because "readtk.bas" was an ATTACHMENT,
instead of inline code, my ISP cut
it off. What percentage of ISPs are that over-protective?
I dunno, but it showed up here like this:
????????! Program to read a tape into simh format file
????????!???????Ugly and rough, but it works.
????????!???????Anything unexpected will cause it to crash.
????????!???????08/16/2002 - Kevin Handy
????????!???????????????Fixed it so it actualy works
100?????TAPE.CH% = 7%
????????LINPUT "Tape device <MKA500:> ", TAPE_DEVICE$
????????TAPE_DEVICE$ = "MKA500:" IF TAPE_DEVICE$ = ""
????????! Make this smaller for RSTS, else it will run out of memory
????????MAX_RECORD% = 10240%
????????OPEN TAPE_DEVICE$ for input AS FILE TAPE.CH%, &
????????????????RECORDTYPE NONE, &
????????????????RECORDSIZE MAX_RECORD%, &
????????????????ACCESS READ
????????V% = MAGTAPE(3%, 0%, tape.CH%)??! Rewind tape
110?????FILE.CH% = 8%
????????LINPUT "Save into <tape.tape> ", FILE_NAME$
????????! Lose everything from ORGANIZATION on for RSTS, which doesn't
????????!???????need it.
????????????????ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL fixed, &
????????????????RECORDTYPE NONE, &
????????????????RECORDSIZE 512%
????????EOF% = 0%
????????????????GET #TAPE.CH%
????????????????RCT% = recount
????????????????IF ERR = 11% OR ERR=252%
????????????????????????CONTINUE WriteEOF
????????????????END IF
????????????????PRINT "Unhandled error"; err; " "; ert$(err)
????????END WHEN
????????EOF% = 0%
????????print "!";rct%;
????????print RCT% if ccpos(0%) >= 50%
????????BUFFER$ = BUFFER$ + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / 256% AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / (256% * 256%) AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / (256% * 256%* 256%) AND 255%) + &
????????????????TBUFFER$ + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / 256% AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / (256% * 256%) AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / (256% * 256%* 256%) AND 255%)
????????GOSUB WriteBlocks
????????GOTO 200
????????IF EOF% = 0%
????????????????! First EOF
????????????????RCT% = 0%
????????????????GOSUB WriteLength
????????????????EOF% = 1%
????????????????! Second EOF
????????????????RCT% = 0%
????????????????GOSUB WriteLength
????????????????GOSUB WriteLength
????????????????GOTO ExitProgram
????????END IF
????????GOTO 200
500?????BUFFER$ = BUFFER$ + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / 256% AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / (256% * 256%) AND 255%) + &
????????????????CHR$(RCT% / (256% * 256%* 256%) AND 255%)
????????GOSUB WriteBlocks
600?????WHILE LEN(BUFFER$) >= 512%
????????????????FIELD #FILE.CH%, 512% AS XBUFFER$
????????????????LSET XBUFFER$ = BUFFER$
????????????????PUT #FILE.CH%
????????????????BUFFER$ = RIGHT(BUFFER$, 513%)
10000???GOSUB WriteBlocks
????????IF BUFFER$ <> ""
????????????????FIELD #FILE.CH%, 512% AS XBUFFER$
????????????????LSET XBUFFER$ = BUFFER$
????????????????PUT #FILE.CH%
????????END IF
????????CLOSE FILE.CH%
????????CLOSE TAPE.CH%
On Thu, 20 Jul 2006, Kevin Handy wrote:
> WARNING: This e-mail has been altered by MIMEDefang. Following this
> paragraph are indications of the actual changes made. For more
> information about your site's MIMEDefang policy, contact
> LMI Postmaster <postmaster at lmi.net>. For more information about
> MIMEDefang, see:
> An attachment named readtk.bas was removed from this document as it
> constituted a security hazard. If you require this document, please
> contact the sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.
I dislike in the extreme any provider (or these days more often it seems like
it's third parties) screwing around with the content in my emails. My
earlier provider had a problem with this, and kept on trying to tell me that
they _couldn't_ turn it off completely, even though their web site seemed to
indicate that this was indeed one of the options. Their whole approach to
spam and virus issues was so heavy-handed that it interfered with normal
email communications with various people, blocking whole providers (a whole
cable company in BC for example) and that was a lot of the reason I dropped
them. The next outfit also used a third-party email processor, and that
required a separate login and password that I never did keep track of and so
I turned their stuff completely _off_ and left it that way. Only to find
that they were trying to "help" by turning it on for me to one extent or
another, not once but three or four times!
Then we come to verizon, which is my latest provider. They apparently have a
default of filtering stuff, and a default of simply deleting filtered stuff
without you knowing that anything's going on. I changed that to stuff things
into a spam folder that I looked at from time to time. And when I found a
couple of messages in there that did NOT belong there wasn't any easy way to
tell their system that it didn't belong, no "not spam" button or anything,
so I just moved those posts to my inbox and hoped for the best. That's why I
switched things over to google's gmail, which has so far not given me any
errors of that sort, that and the fact that I can still get at my mail
without having to go through my ISP, or from the library, or let it pile up
there for a while, or...
Good luck getting that sorted out.
Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space, a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed. --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James
M Dakin