Surely any publisher of an article past or present and where software is
an important part of the design and who does not print a listing is only
doing half the job. If they are doing this to sell a few preprogrammed
chips then shame on them.
For old designs we may come across and wish to restore and are prevented
by this practice lets have a 'Wall of Shame' to identify those people
who left us a legacy like that.
Rod Smallwood
-----Original Message-----
From: cctech-bounces at
[mailto:cctech-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tony Duell
Sent: 14 September 2007 20:41
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: Ancient 8086/80286 unixes?
On Thursday 13 September 2007 01:30:39 Ensor wrote:
> I first came across this myself in the mid-90s. I'd picked up a copy
> of "Elektor" for the first time in
almost 10 years and was surprised
that they
didn't provide any listings of any form for the projects
based around PICs, you had to send away for pre-programmed parts.
That's about when I remember seeing it happen; also with an article in
(possibly) PE&EE about building a Z80-based SBC that ran Forth.
Actually, Elektor have been rather better about this recently, and in a
lot of cases the _source_ code for the microcontroller firmware is
available as a free download from their web site.
Alas, in some cases (often for the projects I am most interested in
:-(), this is not the case, often becasue the author gets a royalty from
each pre-programmed chip sold.
These days when you can build a simple PIC or ATMEL programmer from a
couple of components, or buy an EPROM programmer off eBay for about a
tenner, there's not really an excuse.
I suspect the reason (not an excuse...) was that they made money selling
pre-programmed chips. Certainly when you boughht the pre-programmed
chip, it came copy-protected.
Ob. on-topic: does anyone remember the Forth SBC article I was talking
about, and does a copy of it exist online anywhere?
No, and as a Forth (and stack based languages in general) lover, I would
be interested.