Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Jim Battle wrote:
I've figured out most of the commands from
trial and error, but I'm not
sure what the H and X commands do even though I know the parameter
syntax. I'm not sure how to boot (if I am ever able to get a boot disk).
Maybe X is eXecute? Try X<addr> or <addr>X?
No, G nnnn is for that. (GO)
Typing X gets the prompt "Bank ?" Typing 0 seems to have no effect. Typing
another number (1-F) causes a machine hang. I assume it is bank switching for
banked (eXtended) memory switching, but I don't know for sure.
H is weirder still. The format is
H aaaa bbbb cc dd ee ff ... <CR>
You can enter any number of bytes cc dd ee ff. aaaa is a start address, and
bbbb is an end address (exclusive). Whatever you type, whether it is one or N
bytes, cc is stored at address aaaa. The other bytes aren't stored. Depending
on the contents of memory and the bytes supplied, some of the addresses between
aaaa and bbbb-1 are printed out. I was guessing it is a byte string search
command, but the fact that the first byte is saved to memory disproves that
I guess I'll have to disassemble it. The monitor is 2KB and it seems like the
available commands aren't very powerful given the 2KB size of it. Perhaps the
boot code takes up a lot of it.
Since classiccmp archives these messages, I might as well supply the other
commands in case somebody googles this message in the future:
Connecting a serial cable from COM1 of my PC to the lower port on the back
of the XOR box, set at 9600 baud, 8 data, 1 stop I get a response. Inside
the box is a little diagram showing settings for 1200 and 9600 baud.
On power up it says:
VERS 01.85
F800 - FFFF is where the monitor lives, making it 2 KB.
Anyway, these commands appear to exist:
D AAAA BBBB : dump memory in hex from address AAAA to BBBB.
hitting any key stops this mode and is taken
as the first keystroke of a new command.
F AAAA BBBB CC : fill memory from AAAA to BBBB-1 with byte CC
G AAAA : jump to address AAAA (eg. G F800 reboots)
H AAAA BBBB CC DD EE FF ... : not sure
F 0000 F800 00 (fill memory with 00)
H 1000 1010 00<CR>
shows 1000, 1001, etc one per line.
also, memory 1000 gets set to 00.
H 1000 1010 11<CR>
shows 1000 alone on a line and memory
1000 gets set to 11. Adding more bytes
doesn't appear to do anything extra.
L AAAA : shows the current byte at address AAAA
and waits for input. entering CR then
moves to the next byte; entering a hex
value replaces that value; entering "."
exits this mode.
M AAAA BBBB CCCC : block move from AAAA to BBBB for CCCC bytes
V AAAA : dumps memory in ASCII, 64 chars/line,
stopping after each 24 lines, waiting for
a CR. Hitting space instead of CR stops
this mode.
X : gets a "Bank ?" message. Hitting 0 seems
like no problem, 1 causes a hang.
The spaces aren't entered -- the parser enforces them. You can enter
fewer than four (or two for byte values) nibbles by hitting CR when the
given field is complete, eg
will fill bytes 10 to 1F with the value 03.
I'm not sure how the disk is booted.