Hello everyone,
I was recently contacted by a software developer that had an old Sage IV computer that
needed a new home. He found me through my Sage and Stride website
http://www.sageandstride.org). He used the Sage IV in the 1980's as part of an Amiga
Development System. He was extremely generous and donated both the Sage IV and the Amiga
Development System to me, along with software and documentation.
I've checked the Sage IV and it is booting to the floppy drive but the hard drive is
being a little troublesome. I'll deal with that later. I would like to ask the
cctalk community for some ideas on how to bring up the Amiga Development System ...
without damaging it.
I've posted pictures of the Amiga Development System on WebShots:
I'm in no rush to 'boot' the Amiga Development System. I imagine there
aren't too many of these floating around, so I want to be extremely careful about
bringing it up.
I found some pictures that show a system that appears similar, including the wooden
keyboard enclosure (I think these are Dale Luck's).
From the docs and what I've learned by talking to
other early Amiga developers, the Sage IV was used in developing a lot of the early Amiga
code. The Sage IV that I just received uses the Idris OS (Unix clone) and it included the
full Idris set of install diskettes and documentation (or so it appears) for the Sage IV.
My hope is to show this at the Vintage Computer Festival this fall in my Sage and Stride
exhibit, hooked up to a running Sage IV, etc.
I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!!
David W. Erhart
daviderhart at
daviderhart at
California, USA