Subject: RSX-11
From: Scott Quinn <compoobah at>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 20:49:01 -0700
To: cctalk at
Probably an extremely frequently asked question, but searching didn't
seem to bring anything up.
What is the current status of PDP-11 O/S software? USENET seems to
indicate that there is no non-commercial license, yet the simh website
has some of them available for download, with the license file having a
clause that states that it is valid for emulators owned by DEC (??),
and also seems to indicate that RSX-11 is covered, yet RSX-11 isn't
Mentec's site isn't very helpful, all they talk about are Windows
programs and it is so full of features as to be practically unusable on
Any quick rundowns on the status anywhere?
Yes, check the licensing info for SIMh and a few others. While PDP-11
OSs (RT, RSX and RSTS [it may not include all of those]) are made available
for SIMs it is not for commercial use or operation on real hardware. The
copyrights are still valid and some of the products are active.