I've got a HP3000 and can use this stuff... I'll send my address in
private email and we can work something out.
Steve Robertson <steverob(a)hotoffice.com>
Jay West wrote:
Was cleaning out the manual shelf again...
The following manuals are available free to a good home (yes, the titles are
exact, if not long):
Magnetic tape diagnostic nine-track 7970/13181
Maintenance manual 30032B asynchronous terminal controller for HP3000
computer systems
Maintenance manual 30115A nine-track (NRZI-PE) magnetic tape subsystem for
HP3000 computer systems
Installation and service manual model 7905a cartridge disc subsystem for
HP3000 computer systems
Installation and service manual 40018A plenum assembly
Installation and service manual model 13037A disc controller
Operating and service manual 7970B/7970C digital magnetic tape units
Operating and service manual 7970B/7970C digital magnetic tape units
There is two of the last title.
These are all manuals I have no use for or have duplicates of. Please -
someone take them!
Jay West