-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Hildebrand [mailto:ghldbrd@ccp.com]
BTW, the standard MIDI cables are DIN-5, with pin 3
(middle one) as
shield/ground, pins 4&5 are a current loop to the LED in the
opto-isolators. I just bought a handful of DIN-5 plugs from
Mouser and
used shielded audio pair. I'd use god mic cable if you need something
more rugged.
I might try making some drive cables up -- I have three 1541 drives
(I think three...) setting in the basement doing nothing. A shame
when they could be attached to a commodore which is also doing nothing
at the moment ;)
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl