Subject: Re: removing parts from PCBs
From: William Donzelli <aw288 at>
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:33:01 -0500 (EST)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
Likely not. If there was it would be a really
bad scene. I bet any
shutdown for more than minutes would have been viewed quite severely.
I only remember an IBM 3081 that had a very bad meltdown due to a hose
break or something, and the system could not shot down fast
enough. Generally, a loss in pressure would throw the machine into a check
state and do a really fast shutdown.
I can see some might melt if there was cooling loss. I was thinking about
execs screaming about millions of dollars of computers idle for other than
requried scheduled maintenace.
I read a story about a 709 that had a room chiller leak. Seems the raised
floor and cable troughs were floating and it kept on ticking. Apparently
there was some unwillingness to shutdown as the just was near complete
and it would take days to repair/restart.
Remins me of
the mainframe mini joke I'd heard years ago. Minis have power
switches, mainframes have BIG RED BUTTONS (emergency power off).
BIG RED PULLS, actually...
I know but, the joke didn't work as well with that. ;)