On the topic of the viability of a Digi-Comp I re-issue...
In the past three months, two kits have been put up for auction on eBay.
One fetched over $421.50. Most recently, an usassembled kit went for
$148.50 after 22 bids by 10 distinct bidders.
I personally have always wished for a "version 2," with tighter tolerances,
smoother action, and perhaps even 4 "flip-flops" instead of the standard 3.
Brass or aluminum instead of plastic would add an especially nice touch.
After all, who's wife is going to let her husband display a plastic computer
in the living room? On the other hand, a nice polished brass model in a
glass case...
FYI, there is a YahooGroups group named "friendsofdigicomp" with 178
Oh, right.... So why am I posting to the Classic Computing mailing list?
Because a ClassicCmp member wrote me to say:
"One person I know has taken molds from his example
and is planng on re-issuing it as a kit."
Whoever you are, I thought you'd be interested in the present
A limited run of 100 at $50 a piece would probably sell-out without too much
My impression is that the vast majority of the friendsofdigicomp group
-don't- have one anymore. (Mine got thrown away when we moved in 1971...)
--Tim McNerney
Newton, MA
Recently someone submitted a schematic of the Digi-Comp I electronic
to friendsofdigicomp. I believe you need to join the group to view this:
BTW, I have DXF format CAD models of all the plastic parts, but only in 2D.
There are scans of the plastic parts and manuals at the YahooGroups site.