Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention: no one will contact you about the license
expiration, but the PAKs won't work anymore. You need to apply for a renewal - same
process as when you originally signed up. Delete the old ones, or their expiration will
continue to bug you. Don't ask me how I know. :-) The LICENSE utility is your
friend. -- Ian
From: cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org [cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Ian
King [IanK at
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 8:17 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: RE: 2-problems with VAXstation 3100-76 and VAX 3100 10e
Problem 1: you don't make it clear whether the VAXstations are configured with a
keyboard and monitor or through a terminal, but I infer from your last bit about VT420 and
VT320 that you are using serial. There is a small switch next to the LED array on the
back panel that tells the VAXstation whether to use serial or keyboard/monitor. I
don't remember which way is which, but try switching it the other way. :-) If the
VAXstation is expecting a keyboard but doesn't have one (on its keyboard connection,
not on a terminal), it will object.
Problem 2: Don't be surprised, it's not their job. The point of the hobbyist
license is that it is offered with no support - that's why it's free! However,
the forum at
openvmshobbyist.com is very helpful, as are people on comp.os.vms - and here.
If you can provide a more detailed account of what isn't working, someone can help -
someone like me, who has done a fair amount of installing lately. (I just restored a
VAX-11/780-5 for the PDP Planet Project.) Did you successfully boot into standalone
backup? From there, did you successfully restore the saveset off the OpenVMS CD?
It's not like installing Windows.... -- Ian
From: cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org [cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of
Retep the First [parasang at
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:50 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: 2-problems with VAXstation 3100-76 and VAX 3100 10e
Problem 1:
I have two Vax with both with similar problems. One is a 3100 VAXstation-76 and the other
is a VAX 3100 and both give a keyboard error. Both display a backwards "?" and
then "VT420 Keyboard Error - 4" -- the 3100-10e shows VT320 error instead. The
VAXstation has not run as yet, but I have had the 10e running in the past. Now both
machines display an error. Both machines and peripherals (including the VT420 and VT320)
were purchased through eBay.
Problem 2:
About two years ago I signed up for an openVMS licence. Since then I have been unable to
get the operating system working or either Montagar or ENCOMPASS to give me little more
than the time of day. It has been almost 2 years since this started and I have tried
almost all that I can think of to get it settled. Hopefully you can suggest what to do --
I have gone 1 year past the licence renewal and no-one has even contacted me.
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