Can anyone recommend a book on the theory of operation
of RGB computer monitors. I imagine a book that
concentrates on monitors, as opposed to TV's in
general, is probably uncommon. In that event, a
I've not found one....
Monitor circuitry is, not suprisingly, similar to TV circuitry, in fact
the older (fixed-scan rate) monitors were in some cases almost
I would start by getting some good books on TV servicing. Unfortunately I
can't recomend any of thsoe either -- I started learning about TVs when
they were full of valves, and all my introductory books date from that time.
I have not found a good book which covers multi-sync monitors at all.
Some service manuals are available (either officially or not), but often
the theory-of-operation is conspicuous by its absence. You get a
schematic and setting-up info and little more.
recommendation for something general would be
appreciated, whether a past or present publication.
Purpose: the investigate the possibility of modifying
a recent multisync to sync down to TV frequencies. Not
interlaced necessarily. Just to use a modern monitor
with stuph that operates between CGA and VGA
frequencies. Much obliged.
Eeek! You've picked an 'interesting' project. Personally I think it would
be easier to find an old TV-rate monitor and repair it, even if you have
to wind replacement transformers yourself. But anyway...
I am sure you know that the horizontal output stage also supplies most of
the high voltages for the CRT. It is not at all obvious to me that you
will be able to drop the scan rate to TV rates and maintain all the
voltages at their correct value, and maintain the image width.