Shipping to the UK seems fairly quick, they say 6-8 weeks, however my Atari
History co-founder and friend lives in Tipperary, Ireland and we constantly ship
equipment to one another and usually it gets there within 3-4 weeks.
The monitors (actually the slabs too) are pretty heavy, I will see what this
will all cost, plus $6 for box and $3 for bubble wrapping of everything.
"M.Buckett" wrote:
If your prepared to ship to the UK I would be very interested in getting a
slab, monitor, keyboard and bits if there are still some going.
How much do expect shipping by boat to the UK will be? and how long will it
> Hi Adrian,
> Sure, I'd be happy to ship one, I'd highly recommend shipping by boat,
> no air as it'll cost into the hundreds. Do you want a monitor? (its
> actually a necessity since the keyboard/mouse plug into the monitor and the
> monitor cable plugs into the slab and also takes its power from the slab.)
> Let me know and I have no problems lugged down two boxes (1 cpu, 1
> monitor) to the post office for you.
> Curt