Hi, Bruce,
Bruce Ray wrote:
G'day Don -
Do you have the installation docs for the 3700? I don't think I have
the later-model AViiON (Intel) -specific docs at this point but will
check for you...
I have the Release Notes for 4.20.
Let me try to be more specific about my problem(s)... :-(
I was able to install some disks (3x4G, currently, all identical)
and configure the array controller (Mylex DAC1100?) to treat them
as a single RAID 5 logical drive. (I had no docs so this was a
hit-or-miss proposition :< ).
The unit does not have an SCM so I boot from a floppy (4.20MU04).
When prompted, I tell it to boot the CD (sd(npsc(pci(0),8),5)).
But, when the installer goes looking for disks onto which
to copy the software, it complains. Nearest I can tell,
all it sees is the *floppy* (which obviously isn't suitable!)
So, what trick am I missing? I would assume (!) the logical
drive created under the Mylex controller would "magically"
appear *somewhere* that the installer could see it (since there
are no other provisions for internal drives!)
(sigh) I've only got a few more fistfuls of hair that I
can pull out... :>
----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Y"
<dgy at dakotacom.net>
To: "Classic Computers" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:58 PM
Subject: AViiON on Intel
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get DG/UX installed on an AV3700.
> But, having a helluva time trying to sort out
> the proper incantation for the boot device.
> I managed to get things running on an AV3000
> some years ago but the 3700 is a different beast.
> Has anyone here wrestled with these beasts
> (they have *got* to be the most annoying things
> to get running! :< )