From: "David V. Corbin" <dvcorbin(a)>
What would really help if there were some good
"exploded" mechanicals
available. For example 3 of the keys have come completely loose on the
keyboard. Figuring out where they hook back in and to which parts is not (at
least to me) simple!
Did you see the three Bulletin manuals in
They have exploded diagrams. See secton *-121-* in each of the three manuals.
From: "O. Sharp" <ohh(a)>
Teletype put out some very good maintenance manuals for
the ASR-33, which
had (among other things) very extensive exploded views. _Very_ extensive.
Probably more extensive than you want. :) I haven't found a set online,
unfortunately, but if you keep an eye on ePay they seem to turn up
every couple of weeks (sometimes the actual manuals, more often a copy
which is scanned and then burned to CD).
The link above has these manuals. I wonder if they are selling my scans or
did their own.
David Gesswein -- Run an old computer with blinkenlights
Have any PDP-8 stuff you're willing to part with?