Sounds as though you have two 11/70 (or similar) panels? I don't mind
if it is lacking the bezel, but if you have one spare, I'd be more
then willing to buy it off of you. (Don't have anything worth trading,
unless you're interested in about twenty, somewhat crap, PCI video
On 22 May 2011 15:36, Paul Anderson <useddec at> wrote:
Hi Dave,
I saw a dark blue/ light blue and a purple/ pink or whatever you want
to call it, last week while digging for something else. I have a RDC
somewhere also. Not sure where the bezels are.
Thanks, Paul
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 8:50 PM, David Griffith <dgriffi at> wrote:
Once again, I'm checking around to see if anyone has a pdp 11/70 front panel
with bezel they'd be willing to sell or trade. ?I have some IMSAI front
panels, an Altair or two, and several complete S100 systems to offer in
David Griffith
dgriffi at
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