Tony wrote:
Hang on, there can't be. Assuming there's not
a continuous stream of
reset pulses too, E46 can't be setting and resetting.
What instrument are you using to check these signals? Do you know it's
got the right thresholds for TTL logic? What are you using as the ground
Yes, I was puzzled too when I saw those signals. I first used the Fluke 77 for
a quick check. When I saw 3.7 V on TTL pins, I figured that it is either a bad
signal or the signal is not DC, but some pulse. So then I pulled the D100 out.
The inputs are all set to TTL, and the 'ground' I used was pin 7 of E46.
I checked the 4-input NAND E5 ... although all 4
inputs (xxx COMBINED
ERROR L)> are continuous "1", I see lots of pulses on the output pin 8 ?
Again, impossible unless eirhter E5 is malfunctioning,
or you're not
actually seeing what's at that point. I hate to say this, but I suspect
the instrument and/or its use.
And again, I was amazed too. But the output of E5 did not look like a
spurious signal.
The D100 gets correct through the initialisation at power up ...
> Perhaps I have missed something, but as the 4
inputs are "combined" error
> signals, I decided to remove the flat cable from M7904 to the bulkhead.
> Don't ask me how that idea came up.
I would love to know which of those signals was
actually to blame. I've
traced ech of them back onto the other boards, but the logic quickly
becomes complicated, and I don't want to go too deeply into an irrelevant
I know what you mean :-) The RK07 and its controller is definately complex.
I was also tracing the signals back and things get quite complicated, so that
is where I decided to remove the flat cable ... a hunch ?
Sounds like noise pickuop on the cable or something.
Looking at RG6
COMBINED ERROR L, for example, it's a combination of bits read back
from the drive status shift registess on sheet RG6. The input to that lot
comes from the drive cable receicers on sheet DR8, so noise there could
well cause problems.
Yep, the flat cable that I used was not shielded, and about 6 meters long ...
The BC06R is a "-6" version, so a lot shorter (and shielded).
Regarding noise, I suspect that the print set is not 100% up-to-date, but
given the quality of the drawings from DEC, I assume that I am wrong. But,
pin 2 of the E46 S/R flipflop is not connected (according to the diagram).
This is the D input of the flipflop, and since the clock input (pin 3) is
connected to Gnd, the state of the D input is irrelevant according the data
book. However, with the Fluke 77 I measure 1.55 V on pin 2. I consider not-
connected input pins a bad design, but I will not tie pin 2 to Gnd or with a
1k pull-up resistor to +5V, because that pin changes voltage during reset!!
BTW, I found the same signal on E5 pin 8 and E43 pin 12, so the drawing
checks out on that connection :-)
If you fold out the logic cage in the RK07, you should
see a 00 01 10
pattern on the head select LEDs and a binary count on the cylinder LEDs.
Now, why did I (again) not think of that!? Looking at the head movement
requires you to "stare" at a screw on the head assembly and try to see the
motion to a fixed part next to that screw ...
> it is no hung on the 11/34, the drive is
formatting the cartridge!
> Finally I get the RT11 prompt, but also a message that the formatting is
> aborted due to too many bad blocks.
Right. I'd be interested to know if, perhaps, one
surface is completely
bad and you have head, head switch, or something like that, problems.
Me too :-)
As I have to remove the rear cover to swap :-) the terminitor for the
plug/cable to the second drive, I will look at those LEDs.
I've not got the diagnostics, but I wonder if one
of those programs could
tell you that sort of thing.
I only have brief descriptions (which are also on my site), not the complete
source listings of the diags. But I will run the diags that require the drive
(and a mounted cartridge).
> I must thank Tony. Without his replies I probably
would have done
> nothing for a few weeks. Because he put some of his time in helping
> I felt obligated to keep going ...
Thank you for that. I was fairly close to leaving this
list due to the
amount of flamage I seem to receive, but I'll stay while I'm still
managing to help people to keep these fine old machines going.
Ah well, I think it is just a matter of how you look at things. Without going
into that subject, I'd say that swapping is for some of us the only option. Not
everybody understands electronics that well as you do Tony. An educated
guess when you swap *one* board is still better then tossing the stuff in the
bin, because it does not work. It isn't always that black and white.
And I must admit that I was tempted in swapping boards too. Now, I know
that would not have solved the problem as long as the flat cable was still
connected to M7904 !!! I know, this proves that measurements are the only
way, but still, that is not easy for many (?) of us.
I first had to search for 3 dual extender boards before I could even begin for
starters ... Hmmm, now I did get into that subject!
Anyway, any feedback is a drive to continue what you are doing.
That counted for me, and I figured that my "thank you" also counts for you,
and that everybody will appreciate some feedback! That explains the existence
of this mail list and the many people that contribute to it.
- Henk.
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