This web site is worth a visit. It seems to imply
that as time allows,
they're going to publish documents on the web, and perhaps even produce
of their old product line.
Yep.. That's what I got from the site.
I don't own an IMSAI (yet) and certainly don't feel like paying $2000 for
one. This could provide a viable alternative. Personally, I prefer to build
a new one, using old technology, than to deal with a kit someone else built
25 years ago. Of course the components and methods would have to remain
true to the original.
The tenative price of $500 seems awfully high to me. After all, it's not
like there is a lot of R&D involved, the components aren't exactly
cutting-edge, and to some extent the markets are already established.
This would certainly drive down the prices of the originals. For most of us
that would be a good thing. If anyone has one that they want to unload
before the bottom drops completely out, let me know ;-)
Steve Robertson <steverob(a)>