Waw, I checked the DSM images on a PDP11 simulator and it runs like in the
good old days...
Even the automatic hardware detection is working during sysgen.
I 'll give those who want to play with it a few programs:
To stop the system in a civilized manner:
To configure the system:
To copy tapes if you have 2 tape drives
To build a new distribution tape:
A very quick introduction to M(umps)
M is an interpreter so you can enter commands in immediate mode if you don't
start with a TAB
syntax is: <COMMAND><SPACE><ARG1>,<ARG2>,...
there must be a space between the command and the arguments. You can have as
many commands on a line as you want if you separate them with a space.
Most commands can be abbrev. to the first letter (there are less then 26
commands in M)
so WRITE "HELLO" and W "HELLO" are identical. Commands without
must be separated from the next command by 2 spaces.
All variables types are string (no panic you can do math on it)and does not
exist by default as in basic.
so W X give an error but SET X=3 W X is fine.
the READ command reads from stdio (=current terminal) unless otherwise
defined so
R X W !,X reads from the keyboard and prints it back on the screen after you
push enter. (the ! mark give a CRLF on the screen)
the DO command starts execution of a program. The ^ indicates that the
program is to be loaded from disk
so D ^%UTL loads program %UTL from disk and starts execution at the first
P(RINT) without arguments lists the program in memory (it's an interpreter
so all code is visible)
W(RITE) without arguments lists all variables in memory
to load a program without executing it just use ZL(OAD) programname ex.: ZL
loads the program SYTOTAPE in memory and lists it on the console device.
If you want to have the listing on a printer and you have a LP11 in your
system, you can redirect the output to this printer. The first LP11 device
has port number 3 in DSM so typing: O(PEN) 3 U(SE) 3 P C(LOSE) 3 - notice 2
spaces between the P and the C as P has no arguments! Don't forget this C
command or your I/O is redirected to the printer and the console looks dead
(you can solve this by typing Ctl C)
And finally for this first intro: to have a directory listing of all the
programs on disk:
D ^%RD (in M a program is called a routine and %RD means routinedirectory