At 08:20 PM 10/13/02 -0400, you wrote:
I think they came with the matching probe
fixtures, but you only have to know what bits to hook for the status word
order to use them with the standard probes.
I found some informatyion on the probes tucked into the back of the 16510A
and this statement may not be correct. It's possible that the probes may
decode some
states in hardware, and that the IAs may depend on this decoding. But it's
not 100%
clear in the documentation.
I checked the description in the HP catalog and it implies the same thing but it's
not clear about it. I've run across a few pods, I should grab one and open it up and
see it there's anything inside. Another thing to add to the "To Do" list!
I dug around this morning and found two logic analyzer pods/CPU adapters. These are
boxs that you plug the pod of the logic analyzer pods directly into and they usually have
a cable that plugs into the CPU socket of the UUT. When using these you don't use the
flying wire leads and grabbers.
One is the HP 10342B Bus Preprocessor in the HP 10269B General Purpose Probe Interface.
This is for the HP 1630 and 1631 series LAs. This particular preprocessor is used for
monitoring RS-449, RS-232 or HP-IB busses and acquiring data directly from the bus. You
can replace the Bus Preprocessor with various CPU adapters. I opened both of these up and
the 10269 doesn't have any parts in it other than cables, PC boards and various
connectors. However the Bus Preprocessor is full of ICs, including a Z-80 CPU.
The other logic analyzer pods/CPU adapter is a HP 10277 and is for the HP 1610 sereis
LAs. It's a single unit and it doesn't have any active parts in it. However it has
connectors for ribbon cables to connect the the test bewing tested and I don't have
the cables so it's POSSIBLE that there may be some active parts in the cable or
something attached to the other end of it.