This morning I received an email from someone apparently associated with
HP Asia. At first I thought it was spam, but it seems to be legitimate.
Here is the full text of the message. Perhaps others on this list
have received the email too. Anyway, the link seems to check out as real.
Su Yuen Chin wrote:
Hi Jim Battle!
This is Su Yuen from Waggener Edstrom and we represent HP. We were
browsing the Internet for communities of old gadget collectors and came
across a website with your details listed. We can see from the site that
you are an avid collector of old gadgets, which we share a passion for
as well.
HP is currently working to build a ?Virtual Tech Museum? filled with
pictures and stories of old technological gadgets from people around the
world to marvel and share. To encourage more contributions, HP is
currently hosting a regional competition to give away some of its latest
tech offerings. The museum has just been launched and there are already
a few submissions from the community. Being a collector yourself, it
would be great if you could share some of your prized collections with
the community and maybe the story of why you collect them. Oh, even
though HP is funding the contest, the contributions do not have to be HP
gadgets ? they can be from any company.
Do visit the museum at and
let us know what you think. It would also be great if you could rope in
like-minded friends and interest groups to let them know of this! Who
knows, you might even find old gadgets you?ve been looking for to trade
and add to your collection!
Warmest regards,
Su Yuen