Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 10:02:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chris M <chrism3667 at>
Subject: Nice - SCSI to IDE converter (eBay Australia)…
are these hard to come by (or make even!). Seems like
a darned handy thing to have around.
They are fairly easy to get, but the list price on the ones with
which I am familiar is in the neighborhood of $70. It kind of guts
the economy of putting affordable IDE devices on your SCSI chain.
Acard makes a variety of adapters, with the variation being different
flavors of SCSI. The narrow ultra-SCSI adapter is the AEC-7220U.
If you visit Acard's website you will find that their price on it is
$69, but I think they ship from Taiwan or some such. It is better
to find the US distributers and buy from them (if you're in the USA).
IIRC the USA distributers are and
Newegg sells some Acard products, but I don't know if they carry the
SCSI to IDE adapters.
The Acard models have (?) extended LBA support or whatever it is
called when disks larger than 137 GB are supported. It might be
kind of funny to put a 500 GB IDE drive ($90 w/ free shipping at; Seagate 5yr warranty) on some machine from the late 80's
with an unenhanced SCSI port. How long would it take to write the
whole disk at 3 MB/s?
Jeff Walther