OK, all of the manuals are tentatively spoken for. Thanks
to all who expressed interest.
Next step, i'll be trimming back some of my DEC hardware.
Hope to have a list posted in the next day or so.
Nick Oliviero wrote:
Well I waded back thru the library, here are a
few more manuals that I can part with. Please
contact me off-list if any are of interest.
Again these are complete, not torn. Prices as
noted, shipping INCLUDED.
$5 -Digital Logic Handbook 1976-77
$5 -Hardware Documentation Kit Handbook 1982
$8 -Microcomputers and Memories 1981
$10-PDP11/04/24/34a/44/70 Processor H'book 1981
$5 -PDP11 Peripherals Handbook 1976
$8 -PDP11 Software Handbook 1978-79
$6 -PDP11 Software Sourcebook-Applications Software
Vol 1 Third Edition (Sept. 1984)
$6 -PDP11 Software Sourcebook-Systems Software
Vol 2 Third Edition (Sept. 1984)
$5 -VAX Performance Summary - 8800 series
labeled For Internal Use Only
$6 -VAX Performance Summary - 6500 series (+ others)
labeled For Internal Use Only
$7 -Guide to VAX C -March 1987 AI-L370C-TE