I can personally guarantee that that isn't
the only mailer/reader your
computer will run. Or I will shit in my hat and wear it backwards for a
month. (If your school/job/ISP has made a decision not to allow to use
anything better, it doesn't mean your computer can't do it).
well , it WILL run other readers, but they won't fit. I have a Cyrix P200+
w/80 MB RAM, and I had a 425 MB HD with 100 free MB, until lightning hit.
Now I'm stuck with a 100MB drive with 5MB free. MS-mail came with IE3.2,
which was already on the 100MB drive, along with Win '95. I normally use
Outlook Express, with IE4.0, but they just won't fit on this drive :-(
My hat stays frontwards. Internet Exploiter 3.2 and Mess-Mail, or
Internet Exploder 4.0 with Overlook Expired, either take up so much
room that I won't take the blame when something doesn't work --
especially since you don't even have room for swap space. (Don't
try to tell me that 80Mb of RAM stops Windows from swapping -- I
thought that from the the original "specifications". NOT!)
Ward Griffiths <mailto:gram@cnct.com> <http://www.cnct.com/home/gram/>
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_