Geoffrey Reed wrote:
Hey! Would 150ma be enough current on various voltages
for programming
eproms? I just got a bunch of 14 pin DIP VRMs that are rated for 150ma
output without using a bypass transistor.....
For NMOS EPROMs like the 2716 and 27128, the maximum Ipp spec was often
somewhere around 30-50 mA. Of course, different vendor's parts had
different specs. I haven't made a wide study of Ipp specs, so you'd
have to check the datasheets for specific parts, but I suspect that few
or none needed more than 100 mA.
Bipolar PROMs, on the other hand, typically need a lot of current. The
82S129 needs up to 400 mA for Vccp, and up to 220 mA into the data
output pins.