The licence I read (on the Kryoflux website llast
week, probably in the
PC distribution) seemed to define 'Technology' as includign the
documentation. And I feel that this could well include the file format.
That's why I sent the link along to the file format description that's on
Jean's site in France. It's for sure not covered by the licence and it's even
endorsed by us (we gave Jean the info needed). Apart from that, I will make sure the
licence will exclude the format in the future.
I accept it's not your intetnion to limit the file
format in this way,
but I think the licence needs work...
Indeed. I jumped aboard in 2009, and many things have happened since then.
You can't change things in a day. But it's on the list.
In any case there are many things I can download and
read on your website
that I can't just use as I like. You licnese specifically prohibts me
from revers-engineerign the program, it prevents me using any part of in
in a competing product, and so on. I do not have to sign any agreenment
or NDA to get that material either.
While I may be in favour of 'open' solutions, I am happy to accept that
you have the legal and moral right to distribute your work (or not) under
whatever licence you choose, and that if I don;t agree to the terms than
I don't use your work. Nowehre is it clear to me that the file format
does not come under this
As said earlier, no one here wants ownership in data ingested with the device. You can
take my word for that and it will be addressed. I am not making this claim to sell
anything to you, but because it matters to me.