You wrote....
> With the help of Doug Quebbeman and Steve Robertson and Kevin Davidson
Technologies, we repatriated a very nice Pr1me 9650 system with
Centronics printer from Greenville, SC back to New England. We
apprecaite all the assitance, and are looking forward to the day when we
pull it out of its temporary storage and get it running again.
I spent a fairly large part of my career on Pr1me's. I still have a
set of docs for them and remember a fair amount. If
you need any
getting it up and running, drop me a line. Actually, I
still maintain
contact with an ex field engineer from Pr1me, which may help you out.
My initial contact with CVSI regarding a special licensing procedure for
preservationist has seemingly not been taken seriously by the licensing
department. At this point, they continue to view licensing of Primos et. al.
as a revenue stream.
This is most strange since it has been determined that CVSI does not own
any intellectual property rights for anything Pr1me related. Those rights
remained with Computervision, and are now property of Parametric
Corporation (PTC), who is probably unaware of what they own.
So preserving Pr1mes at this point in time remains a black hat activity.