Subject: RE: Backing up VMS
From: "Antonio Carlini" <arcarlini at>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 18:40:27 +0000
To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'" <cctalk
Dave Dunfield wrote:
Fortunately the 4mm drive seems to be OK - I
wrote a backup tape
Have you managed to restore one yet :-)
My experience of DAT is that after a (short) while they start
to chew tapes. Never had that with DLT: the drive may
break but the tape (for me at least) remains intact.
Same here. Though I have some TLZ04s that seem to behave well.
Mind you, I have working RD53s and TK50s so there may
be something
in the water here :-)
Same here but I got the RD53s as "bad" and opened and fixed them.
I also ahve TK50s (on sleds) and the boxed TK50 in both the DEC
sorta scsi flavor.
The good news
is that BACKUP/IMAGE from one SCSI drive to
another worked fine
That's by design rather than luck ... BACKUP/IMAGE is supposed
to do that. If you BACKUP/IMAGE to a saveset instead, then
you'll have a single file that you can FTP somewhere else
for archiving.
Given that 18GB SCSI disks are cheap (== free, usually) and
readily available, I would hook one of those up, initialise it,
Back when 1GB drives were free and easily found I got a bunch
along with a stack of RZ55s and 56s (with BA42 storage boxen).
so that was the simplest and fastest solution for my systems
with SCSI (all of the 3100s and one BA123 uVAXII). The others
(BA23 uVAX and uVAX2000s) I use RD53s and 54s for that.