On Mar 2, 2009, at 4:33 AM, David Griffith wrote:
Does anyone know anything about shoehorning a front
panel with lots
of lights and switches onto a compact pdp11 (say, a /73 or /83)?
I don't know anything about it specifically, but just from
thinking about it...I think the best you'd probably be able to do is
address and data LEDs, plus RUN, and maybe a few others...not much
more (i.e., no address spaces, processor states, etc) because the
signals aren't brought out to the pins on the J11 chip.
But if that'd be enough, you could probably do it by using some
buffers to drive the LEDs, and doing DMA cycles onto the bus for the
switches. I'd probably take a whack at it if I had some time.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL