I have a 7300. I've come to learn a bit about the
which could be considered the same thing (?).
Pretty much. Architecturally, they're the same. The usual
distinction is the 3b1 has a "hump" to accomodate a
physically larger disk drive. There has been a suggestion,
though debated, that the 3b1 also has a beefier PS.
I have a load of disks and docs for the 7300?.
Unfortunately they were all stored improperly and are
worthless. Being I already have the media (and can
prove it) I'd like to have working images of these
disks. Anyone have a clue?
That's a good question. Because they contained
UNIX SYS V R2, most everyone was pretty careful
about throwing around copies. So I don't know of
any online images of them. Your best bet might
be to find someone who has a set they'll send
you, or perhaps a set they've backed up.
In general, the first place to look is Peter da Silva's
My hard drive does work, but is a bit flakey maybe :(
There's a classic issue of corrosion on the PS
connector. That might be part of your problem.
The thing is a pitn to open up :{
It gets easier with practice.
I'd be very interested to hear from humans who
knowledgeable of these units, and more so by those who
are currently playing with them.
I used to do quite a lot with them, but haven't fired one
up in probably 5 years. I used to maintain the archive
that Peter maintains now.