I got the last box of junk from my brother, and just inventoried
the floppies, going by the labels. I likely have errors in
sidedness/density but they were all made on one of two CP/M
machines; I have one here and the other (my father's) is still
in Mass and I can get it if necessary.
I have no idea whats actually on them or which ones are readable,
that come snext after I power up the cards. I've gone through
the chassis already and it's fine. I'll probably do smoke
tests today.
There's some good stuff I think. BDS C, CBBS from 81 (sources
plus BBS files), Stackworth FORTH, JRT Pascal, some other
Pascal, Aztec C, FORTRAN IV (likely TDL/Xitan), F80, M80, L80,
etc (m'soft) basic compiler (ugh) old DBASE, etc...
I'll make everything available ASAP.
Diskette label Media Location
?Copy Teletek CP/M? SN 2-301-01089, FDC-I, with VDISK, & WS 3.3 MAILMERGE SSDD Grey
binder Dad's
Microsoft CP/M Basic Compiler vers. 530 copy SN16395 SSSD Grey binder Dad's
COM (not BASIC) games #2, Adventure SSDD Grey binder Dad's
SUPER-CALC SH=microshell SSDD Grey binder Dad's
CHESS SSSD Grey binder Dad's
ZIP 2.4 SSSD Grey binder Dad's
Dbase example files sysgened DSDD Teletek format DSDD Grey binder Dad's
binder Dad's.
AZTEC 'C' side #1 ver 1.05g #6425 SSSD Grey binder Dad's
AZTEC 'C' side #2 ver 1.05g #6425 SSSD Grey binder Dad's
FORTRAN IV ver 3.05 copy from ser# 0199; also marked L80 M80 SSSD? Flippy disk! Beige
binder ?CP/M Utilities? Casing has serious warpage; heat or time, media looks OK.
PMATE 3.02 WordStar 3.00 Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities? Tomj
F80 L80 M80 DSDD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities? Dad's
Some str??? .COM? DSDD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities? Dads; may be blank.
Perfect Writer Speller PMATE 1-84 SSSD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities? ?
DUU & NICE.DOC ?shouldn't be anything else? NEW TELINK.C (Lattice ver.)
MYCHESS SSSD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities?
Backup disk for Telink C Sources (TJ) DEC 82 SSDD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities?
C' BDC [I think means BDS] 1.45 WORKING Telink Xtelink SSDD Beige binder ?CP/M
An inte??um copy of Telink.C only SSDD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities?
Aztec work disk SSSD Beige binder ?CP/M Utilities?
CBBS v3.5 BOTH SIDES SSSD flippy disk! Blue binder, ?Originals?
Stackworth FORTH
SPEED.COM SS?? Blue binder, ?Originals?
WS 1.01 & 3.00 PMATE 3.0 DSDD Blue binder, ?Originals?
JRT Pascal ORIGINAL [handwritten] SSSD Blue binder, ?Originals?
BULLETIN BOARD SSDD Blue binder, ?Originals? Printout of DIR; 5/10/81. CBBS sources and
BBS files
BBS DOC FILES SSDD Blue binder, ?Originals?
DBASE 2.4 SRC SSSD Blue binder, ?Originals?
DWS ? NWS v1.01 SS?? Blue binder, ?Originals? WordStar
Little Fido's Bugger ? VB3 DSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources? Bugger for
SSM VB3 card
Fido's Double Sided System Disk 3/15/82 DSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M
Fido's Double Sided System Disk #2 2/14/82 DSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M
FIDO's CCP SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources? CP/M CCP replacement
program; see ?Little Fido ? software binder
CP/M 2.21 for FIDO working BIOS disk BACKUP 4/6/82 1/24/82 SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little
FIDO CP/M Sources?
VB3 BIOS 4/6/82 27 April 82 SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources?
Fido's System Disk #2 1/24/82 SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources?
Doc files SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources?
Little Fido's system disk 29 Aug 82 SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources?
Fido's system disk 62K 2.21 7/10/81 3/22/82 DSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M
Little Fido's System Disk Double Sided 11 Aug 82 DSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO
CP/M Sources?
IBUG, PARSE, RLOCATR2 12/20/81 SSSD Brown Dysan box, ?Little FIDO CP/M Sources?
BDS 'C' 1.41a as of 1/21/81 see 141.DOC SSSD Dysan box, no markings
C' sources 5/15/81 BAUD SSSD Dysan box, no markings
BDS 'C' 1.41 Diskbug Makedb Zapload Stripcmd SSSD Dysan box, no markings Has
Microft Inc sticker
BDS C 1.41 for TRS80 2 of 2 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
BDS C 1.41 for the TRS *) 5/20/81 1 of 2 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
Algol SSSD Dysan box, no markings Huh?!
Stackworth FORTH TJ 4/30/81 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
Pascal SSSD Dysan box, no markings
INDEX EPROM SSSD Dysan box, no markings
Modem 2.17 etc 11/30/81 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
Development System COM files ASM LINK etc --- 2/18/81 disk #1 SSSD Dysan box, no
Dev. Sys. COM files 2/18/81 Disk #2 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
Dev. Sys. COM files 2/18/81 Disk #3 recopied 5/26/81 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
FIDO formatter 7/10 FIDO copy 7/10 Sysgen 7/30 7/9/81 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
COPY (disc copy utility) for FIDO CP/M 2.21 7/11/81 SSSD Dysan box, no markings
Old IMDOS disk, has DIABLO printer driver SSSD Dysan box, no markings