At 08:27 AM 2/4/2007 -0800, you wrote:
From: Liam
Busey <buseyl at>
But for
me the biggest problem was
that the Apple couldn't read/write disks from other
machines, unlike the
TRS-80, which used a WD1771 controller and could
handle any single-desity
5.25" disk (I spent many late nights getting it to
read the disks from
the school's RML380Z computers, which also used 1771
To be fair though, the Apple Disk II system was not
the only game in town. While they weren't common, you
could get a 3rd party 8" MFM floppy system if you
wanted to.
Lobo Drives made drives for, among others, the Apple II including a neat box
I used to sell and service Apple ][ computers. For a while there, the
biggest service issue we had was with people bringing in their floppy
drives (single 5.25 inch) and saying we'd sold them a bad one, or it died
under warranty.
Before even letting the customer leave the premises, I'd quickly take out
the four screws that held on the cover and show them the blackened spot on
the inside of the cover, then show them the 74LS125 in the middle of the
board, which invariably had been cracked or cratered.
The documentation clearly said, connect the ribbon cable to the controller
with the cable exiting AWAY from the board. But there were any number of
folks that went the long way around, and put a great deal of effort into
bending the cable sharply where it exited the ID connection, so that they
could plug it into the controller card backwards.
This usually resulted in a spectacular failure of the '125.
I had to tell them that Apple had designated this a special case: No
warranty if you let the smoke out.
I saw some with a neat crater in the chip, and a scorch mark inside the
cover aligned with it.
[Commentary] And, of course, the word "politics" is derived from
"POLY", meaning many, and "TICS", meaning small, blood sucking
insects. --Chris Clayton, USFMCNCG at
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